15,000ft Charity Fundraiser Tandem Sky Dive

In 2019, while working at Hive Communications / Blue Bee, I jumped from 15000ft in the air from a plane with the Red Devils, raising money for Salisbury Hospice Charity. This incredibly fun and first in my lifetime activity was a collaborative effort between Blue Bee and the Red Devils, whereby the Blue Bee team raised money for Salisbury Hospice Charity through a donations page. This was my first ever skydive and who better to go with and to jump from an amazing height! The Blue Bee team all had branded t-shirts representing the hospice on the day that we wore over the jumpsuits for when we were falling.

During the experience, we were provided with the appropriate training for the dive being that nearly all of us had never dived before. They taught us all the rules for when you are about to fall, while you are falling, and when you are about to land. Without this information, our safety was at risk.

Salisbury Hospice 15,000ft Charity Tandem Sky Dive with The Red Devils

The whole day was reported and recorded by the Salisbury hospice, with our thoughts beforehand as well as our reactions after the jump. The full article can be read here.

Overall, it was an exhilarating experience that I will never forget and one of my proudest achievements. It was something I would totally do again given the chance!

Check out the photos by opening them in a new tab.